Monday, June 16, 2008

Bike Ride

Today Addison had her first bike ride! Mike went and found a seat and helmet for her yesterday. She looks so darn cute in that helmet and thinks she's big stuff. The pics are with my camera phone! Not the best! Anyway she loved the ride, we had a great time! She sat there and made a "brmmmm" sound with her lips the whole time! She's such a big girl!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Italian Fest

Yummmmmo! We had a lovely time at the Italian Fest Sat night. The manicotti rocked as well as the meatball sub. Second course fried ravioli and vegetable lasagna. Then there's the dolce...yummy chocolate cake! We got smart this year and brought our own vino, beer, h2o and sippies for the little one. We totally stuffed ourselves in Italian fest fashion! Addison met some friends there too. She played with one little girl named Ava who was born a week or so after her and plopped herself onto various other strangers blankets to say "hi, whatcha got to eat here?" She's so funny, sometimes shy and sometimes doesn't know a stranger. Enjoy the pics...Mike just had to walk me through taking them off my phone and putting them onto the computer, I'm so technologically challenged!

Monday, June 9, 2008


I am watching "The Bucket List" that my brother-in-law burned for us....good stuff...the feel good movie of the year!
I'm also checking my 48 e-mails from not checking it all weekend...Yowsa!
Mike (my hot, sexy hubby) and I met with the neurosurgeon and he does not recommend surgery for his disc-yay!!!!!!!!!!! The best news, thanks for all the prayers everyone!
Mom is here helping me with Addison so I could go with Mike so I took advantage of a free babysitter and took Sadie to the vet too. Poor little doggie got poked and proded in all sorts of places and now they tell me they really need to clean her teeth! I really can't believe they clean dogs teeth now but the vet sure sounded convincing. And her breathe does smell of ass and dog biscuits!
Anyway...I'm tired and I'm gonna chill now!