Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I have been very bad about blogging! Things are a little on the crazy side right now. Mike's back is all jacked up again-CRAP! But I meant to share these photos of Addison with her pigtails when I took them like...uh...3 weeks ago! She is so funny and cute all the time (ok, not all the time but most of the time!). I just can't help myself, I just have to bust out the camera or camcorder all the time. She is talking SO much now. Pretty much anything I say to her she repeats (yeah, I know some of you are snickering...) and can say some words that I just don't think most kids her age can say. A few days ago she was playing with her toy fishing pole in the bathtub and caught a fishy and said "I did it!!!!!!!!!!!" It made me cry! She said it with such joy and accomplishment, it made me realize my baby is gone...replaced with such a wonderful, big girl! A happy/sad kind of moment.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the pics. Hope everyone is doing well. Please keep Mike (and the rest of us) in your prayers as we deal with this back stuff some more.