Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Playground

Hi everybody! We were heading down to the playground in our neighborhood Monday and I actually remembered to grab the camera. Addison so enjoys playing there and is now brave enought to go down the slide all by herself! Grandma Robbins was with us that afternoon, so that was a treat!
I know Addison misses her Grandma and Grampa Speelman! We got to have them around for a while after Mike's surgery. Mike is recovering well so far, thanks for you prayers. You can see him hanging out in the background. I know he can't wait until he can play more with Addison (you know rough daddy style!) but they still have a good time together.
Don't you just love the one of her going down the slide? Fun stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sleeping Bookworm

Hi Everyone,
I had to post these pics for you guys. I can't remember when I took them with all that's going on right now. I went in to cover Addison up and found her like this. So of course I had to go get Mike and the camera to document this! Who knows how she ended up like that? I can see why people buy those video monitors now, sometimes I'm like "what is she doing in there?". Enjoy, I'll do some more posting later...