Sunday, July 20, 2008

Playtunnel fun!

Here are some pics of Addison in her playtunnel from this evening. She was in the climbing mood (trying to scale the arm of the couch) so we set up this handy-dandy play tunnel (that I picked up at a garage sale for a whopping $7.00) so she could burn off some energy! We have had a nice/relaxing weekend and got to see some friends that we don't get to see a lot too. Life is good!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Addison, mom, and I had some fun at the Indianapolis Zoo last Wed. I'm just now posting this because as some of you know we had a nasty run of food poisoning that began that evening! We're still not all back to normal but the show must go on! Addison and I fed the giraffes and she loved the dolphin show... well the pre-show...featuring her!!!!!! She danced around and talked to the crowd until the show started. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Speelman Campingpalooza 2008

Man am I delinquent! I haven't posted for weeks! We got back Sat night from the annual Speelman July 4th camping. I am still doing laundry!!!!!!!!! We were there Tues through Sat. We had a great time and as usual the time flew by! Addison just LOVED playing with her cousins all day. Even on the soggy rainy day you would have thought it was a sunny beautiful day by her attitude! I didn't take a lot of pics but will post a few. I got a real cute one of Addison hiding behind the pole at the McDonalds play land we were killing time at as it poured outside! Good times! Hope you enjoy. We miss you all already!