Monday, July 7, 2008

Speelman Campingpalooza 2008

Man am I delinquent! I haven't posted for weeks! We got back Sat night from the annual Speelman July 4th camping. I am still doing laundry!!!!!!!!! We were there Tues through Sat. We had a great time and as usual the time flew by! Addison just LOVED playing with her cousins all day. Even on the soggy rainy day you would have thought it was a sunny beautiful day by her attitude! I didn't take a lot of pics but will post a few. I got a real cute one of Addison hiding behind the pole at the McDonalds play land we were killing time at as it poured outside! Good times! Hope you enjoy. We miss you all already!


Nicci said...

I love the pics of Addison hiding..they are so cute!!!

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Oh my gosh...she's so stinkin' cute!!!! And she's getting so big! I miss seeing her and getting to know her. I miss her momma too.
Glad you had a fun trip. She just puts the sunshine in everything, doesn't she?