Monday, October 27, 2008

Boiler Up!

I just wanted to share some pics from Purdue homecoming tailgaiting this last Saturday. The game was lame as Minnesota beat us but the time with friends was PRICELESS! Can't wait til next year...maybe we can win!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2 kids...3 martinis said...

I love the shot of you and Mike and the football coming at his head!
I'm glad to see everyone, and little Hoop-de-Hoop too, having fun. How's he doing?
Do you think there were enough Cheetos on that table? :)

Kristy said...

I just noticed the football when I saw it enlarged after I posted it! HILARIOUS! Hooper is doing ok...still dealing with his mom passing, but seems ok. He's having a Halloween party Sat and I can't won't be the same without you peeing in the jack-o-lanterns! Yeah, there were a lot of Cheetos-that's what it's all about beer and cheetos! Good stuff!