Friday, October 2, 2009

My Sister-Kathy-loves Unicorns

Idon't particularly like them...I'm more of a Fraggle and Smurf lover myself. Go to her blog and you'll see a lovely homeage to unicorns. She's or 2kids...2martinis.
Here she is with Addison on her visit back in July. Isn't this a lovely photo of her with my daughter....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


At the grocery store last night Addison stuck her little finger out, pointed at the cashier, and asked "who's that?" (she is still young enough to foolishly believe I know everyone and everything). I said, "ask her her name." She dutifully asked the cashier, "what's your name?". The cashier replied "Natalie." She exclaimed "you're not Natalie!" She misses her cousins Natalie and Nolan. And so does mommy (and her sissy Kathy too). So here are a few pics of cousins when they came to visit us from MN!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Faces

Addison was making all her various faces at me today so I snapped a few shots of her. She's a nut, she loves to entertain all those around her!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey Everybody (ok I know I only have two followers so hi to you two...). I was just checkin on my blogs I follow and thought I'd throw something on here. Maybe even a more recent pic or two of my girl!

Here are a few snapshots of our trip to Florida from the end of May...we had a great time!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here are a few really late pics from Easter. I wanted to show-off how cute my girl and man looked that day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been obscessed with buying cute girly hair accessories for my girl since she now has so much hair she needs big girl hair bows! So here she is modeling some of my recent purchases! She thinks she's a princess so she poses for the camera!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Little Valentine

I had to share a few shots from Valentines "weekend." We had a nice quiet weekend here and enjoyed every minute of it. I didn't work at all this weekend (for the first time in a month) so it was nice. My girl is growing up so fast. We went out to eat Sunday after church and let me tell you she behaved like a little lady in every way. She fed herself and really didn't spill food much. She also drank from a cup with a straw (and a lid-I'm not crazy!) and managed not to dump it everywhere. Afterwards I told her she acted like a little lady so she kept saying "Addison a little lady." It was so cute!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow days!

Boy have I been behind on this blog (thanks FB)! I made sure I brought the camera out with me when we headed out for the snow today. It was the first time I've taken Addison out in it since we've both been sick! It was a beautiful day for it with the sun shining! She liked the snow. She mostly ate it. Tried to throw it to Sadie since she loves to jump in the air, catch some and eat it! I got a few shots of Sadie running laps around the yard too.