Friday, October 2, 2009

My Sister-Kathy-loves Unicorns

Idon't particularly like them...I'm more of a Fraggle and Smurf lover myself. Go to her blog and you'll see a lovely homeage to unicorns. She's or 2kids...2martinis.
Here she is with Addison on her visit back in July. Isn't this a lovely photo of her with my daughter....


2 kids...3 martinis said...

Oh, how lovely is that picture! I do love me some unicorns though! And who knew Obama could harness their energy of shooting rainbows out of their asses? Wow! I'll forever be amazed!

Hull Family said...

Absolutely LOVE that you hijacked her blog!!! I did that to a friend once too - still makes me giggle to this day! Great job!

Kristy said...

I'm glad you like the photo Kathy...I knew you would. Hull Family-glad my hijacking brought back good memories:-P