Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I can drink BEER when I'm four!

Oh yes, the title of this post is what Addison said to a library helper Monday! It all started with a conversation where the man asked Addison how old she was. She replied, "three." I then said "she'll be four in April." That's when the big statement came out, "I can drink beer when I'm four!" Oh yes, it was said with much enthusiasm! Of course I'm mortified and thinking, "this guy thinks she's living with a bunch of beer swiging alcoholic parents!!!!" I instantly replied, "Addison, that's not appropriate." Then I say to the library guy, "I bet that's the funniest thing you've heard all day!" He replies, "that sounds like something my grandkids would say." So that helped me feel a bit better about my childs apparent excitement over when she can drink beer (and it's not four!). Then on the way out of the library I explained she has to be 21-old (to help her understand that better I added) "like a mommy or daddy!" Lord help me with this girl, she's gonna drive me into an early grave I do believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kris Mudra said...

OMG! How funny, she makes me giggle! Don't worry, for about the last year, Jillian goes by the Budweiser plant off of 270 and shouts, BEARD! (Her way of saying beer)

Kristy said...

A keg-LOL! I love the Jillian story Kristin! I'll never forget wen Nolan was little and used to be so proud he could spell beer, he'd say "BRE." What's with the fascination of beer?