Monday, February 11, 2013

Momma needs to work more...

Dude, I seriously need to work more.  Lately the PRN gig is slow.  We need a few good ice storms to shake things up...or should I say "break" things up!  Ha-that's just mean!
I'm considering all my options, I even put an app in at a nursing home-and they  haven't called me-OUCH!
I've also thought about looking into doing some peds and being a school therapist-its been so long I'd have to brush up on that!
Or then there's Kohls or something totally dumb like that where I would just shop my paychecks away...not a good idea at all!
In the meantime I'm getting all sorts of crap done at home and prayerfully waiting God's plan for me next.  Maybe it's just a slow time and I need to be a bit more patient.  Ah, patience-slowly but surely I will learn...

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