Monday, July 7, 2008


Addison, mom, and I had some fun at the Indianapolis Zoo last Wed. I'm just now posting this because as some of you know we had a nasty run of food poisoning that began that evening! We're still not all back to normal but the show must go on! Addison and I fed the giraffes and she loved the dolphin show... well the pre-show...featuring her!!!!!! She danced around and talked to the crowd until the show started. Hope you enjoy the pics!


Unknown said...

You guys look like you are having so much fun. I can't wait until Ollie can enjoy the zoo. Miss you and hope to see you soon.

Nicci said...

Oh my..i love the pic of Addison and u by the giraffe it looks like its trying to get you!!! and we here in mansfield didnt know of your food poisoning