Monday, February 11, 2013

Momma needs to work more...

Dude, I seriously need to work more.  Lately the PRN gig is slow.  We need a few good ice storms to shake things up...or should I say "break" things up!  Ha-that's just mean!
I'm considering all my options, I even put an app in at a nursing home-and they  haven't called me-OUCH!
I've also thought about looking into doing some peds and being a school therapist-its been so long I'd have to brush up on that!
Or then there's Kohls or something totally dumb like that where I would just shop my paychecks away...not a good idea at all!
In the meantime I'm getting all sorts of crap done at home and prayerfully waiting God's plan for me next.  Maybe it's just a slow time and I need to be a bit more patient.  Ah, patience-slowly but surely I will learn...

Photo Book

Click here to view this photo book larger

Shutterfly baby photo books are the perfect way to preserve your baby's precious moments.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I can drink BEER when I'm four!

Oh yes, the title of this post is what Addison said to a library helper Monday! It all started with a conversation where the man asked Addison how old she was. She replied, "three." I then said "she'll be four in April." That's when the big statement came out, "I can drink beer when I'm four!" Oh yes, it was said with much enthusiasm! Of course I'm mortified and thinking, "this guy thinks she's living with a bunch of beer swiging alcoholic parents!!!!" I instantly replied, "Addison, that's not appropriate." Then I say to the library guy, "I bet that's the funniest thing you've heard all day!" He replies, "that sounds like something my grandkids would say." So that helped me feel a bit better about my childs apparent excitement over when she can drink beer (and it's not four!). Then on the way out of the library I explained she has to be 21-old (to help her understand that better I added) "like a mommy or daddy!" Lord help me with this girl, she's gonna drive me into an early grave I do believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

She's so big!

Wow! Where is the time going? I cannot believe this little beauty is the same baby I gave birth to 3.5 years ago! This is her 3's class preschool photo taken in Oct. Of course the attire isn't quite right with the background-but what's a mom to do on a day when the high is in the 80's???? She's growing up so fast I can hardly keep up!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Sister-Kathy-loves Unicorns

Idon't particularly like them...I'm more of a Fraggle and Smurf lover myself. Go to her blog and you'll see a lovely homeage to unicorns. She's or 2kids...2martinis.
Here she is with Addison on her visit back in July. Isn't this a lovely photo of her with my daughter....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


At the grocery store last night Addison stuck her little finger out, pointed at the cashier, and asked "who's that?" (she is still young enough to foolishly believe I know everyone and everything). I said, "ask her her name." She dutifully asked the cashier, "what's your name?". The cashier replied "Natalie." She exclaimed "you're not Natalie!" She misses her cousins Natalie and Nolan. And so does mommy (and her sissy Kathy too). So here are a few pics of cousins when they came to visit us from MN!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Faces

Addison was making all her various faces at me today so I snapped a few shots of her. She's a nut, she loves to entertain all those around her!